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Janggu is a percussion that played for Dangak or Hyangak. Janggu is also called Seyogo because it has a thin waist or called as Janggo because it is a drum hit by a stick. Janggu made of wood by carving but usually used the Paulownia tree, which helps Janggu to make a better sound but now made of willow or poplar. Most of the Janggu usually play for the accompaniment of song, Pungmulnori, and exorcism and has an easy tune.

The body of the Janggu is empty and sticks two water jars together with a thin waist and open on each side. Janggu used Joimjul to adjust the sound pitch and by pulling or loosing it in between made of leather to adjust the sound.

장구 부분 영.jpg
장구 연주.JPG

Janggu uses Bukchae for Pungmulnori or Samulnori, but usually, possible to use a hand. Chaepyun used bamboo, and if it hit the middle part of the Janggu, will make big sounds and fit with Piri that has bigger sounds.

How to hold Bukchae and Chaepyun

장구 북채 채.png

Other Janggu

제주 무속장구.png

Jeju Musok Janggu

동해안 무속장구.png

East Sea Musok Janggu

밀양백중놀이 장구.png

Milyangbaekjungnori Janggu

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