Sogo is an instrument playing by hitting its body. The word Sogo means “Small Drum” with using Chinese characteristics (小), which means small. Sogo was usually used by normal people when they were resting in between their work time playing Pungmulnori or Minsokak.
The body of the Sogo used wood and circular and flat. It filled with dog skin before but uses cowhide these days. When they are making Sogo, it tightened the skin and on the side make holes and tie with leather thread. The face of the Sogo has Taeguk Glyph. The handle used wood with the size of a span of an adult.

Using Chae of the Sogo, hit both sides of the face of Sogo or body of the Sogo with a wood stick. Then hit the side of a thin leather part lightly. For in Korean Folk Dancing instead of playing by hitting, spinning the Sogo.